

Funding provided by Arizona State University's Office of the University Provost and the School of Earth and Space Exploration.


Ask An Earth and Space Scientist would not be possible without the faculty and graduate students that volunteer their time to answer questions, create engaging stories, and research earch and space topics. In addition, for their help in building this site there are a few other people that we would like to acknowledge.

Site Design and Drupal Development   

Site Initiators and Advisors

  • Jake Dean
  • Charles Kazilek
  • Karla Moeller
  • Patrick Young
  • Thanks also to Gray Olsen for help with initial ideas and applications

Managing Editor

  • Karla Moeller


  • Coleman Charters


  • J'Neil Cottle
  • Steven Dibb
  • Aleisha Johnson
  • Patrick McGurrin
  • Sean Peters
  • Soumya Ray
  • Gavin Tolometti
  • Zachary Torrano

Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?
Answer »

Be part of Ask An Earth and Space Scientist

By volunteering, or simply sending us feedback on the site. Scientists, teachers, writers, illustrators, and translators are all important to the program. If you are interested in helping with the website we have a volunteers page to get the process started.

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