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How Are Diamonds Made?

Great question. But to answer that question, let’s first talk about diamonds a bit more generally. You probably see diamonds most often on necklaces, rings, or earrings, but did you know that they are regularly used for cutting and drilling tools?

How Are Craters Formed?

Standing at the edge of a large crater can make you feel small, almost like an ant overlooking a very large bowl. A well-preserved crater here on Earth, Meteor Crater in Arizona, can make us feel that way sometimes.

How Far Have We Gone into Space?

The farthest distance that people (and animals) have traveled into space is to (or around) the moon. However, when we consider other technology that has gone into space — without a person inside — we’ve gone much, much farther.

Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?

The sun is a star that formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Scientists believe that a giant spinning cloud of gas and dust began to collapse due to its gravity. Much of the material that collapsed came together to form the sun.

How Are Basalt Columns Formed?

You’ve been walking on the bubbly rocks of an old lava flow for what seems like miles. Though the rocks under your feet change in color and shape, many look similar… small, worn, and full of tiny pockets. Up ahead, you see what looks like a normal hill.

How Do We Know the Earth Is Round?

Like the other planets, the Earth is a sphere. It rotates around its own axis slowly but continuously, and completes this rotation about once every 24 hours. As the Earth rotates, part of the Earth is facing the sun, and part of it faces away. This is why some parts of the world have day and night at different times. 

Was the Moon Landing Live?

The Apollo 11 mission was an important event for the United States and the world. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder of the lunar module and onto the surface of the moon. They took the first steps of any woman or man on this surface.

Alien Lava Quiz

Read Alien Lava and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Ode to Oxygen Quiz

Read Ode to Oxygen and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Meteorites: Space Rocks Quiz

Read Meteorites: Space Rocks! and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Rough and Smooth Lava Quiz

Read Rough and Smooth Lava and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Galaxies Quiz

Read Gigantic Groups of Galaxies and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Human Spaceflight Quiz

Read Humans: IN SPACE and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!

Arizona Mining

While understanding how rocks form is important, certain rocks, minerals, and ores have uses in everyday life. Gold in jewelry, lithium for batteries, and copper for piping are just some examples of the uses of natural materials.

Crater Within a Crater

The planets and moons of our solar system often show the scars of impacts that are millions of years old. Thanks to scientists, including those at Arizona State University, we can get amazing pictures of these craters on the moon using a special camera in orbit.

Asteroids and Comets

Written by: Steven Dibb

When people think of objects in the solar system, they might think about planets first. But there are so many other objects in space to explore.

Rough and Smooth Lava

Written by: Gavin Tolometti

The surface of lava can appear smooth, rough, jagged, and sometimes like a pile of construction rubble. What are the stories behind these surface features and how did they form?

Humans: IN SPACE

Written by: Steven Dibb

Space exploration is an adventure unlike anything else. Discover the history and future of humans in space to learn how you could be a part of it.

Meteorites: Space Rocks!

Written by: Soumya Ray, Zachary Torrano

Meteorites are rocks from space, often from asteroids, Mars, or even the Moon. Join us on a journey through space and time, as we explore meteorites.

Gigantic Groups of Galaxies

Written by: J’Neil Cottle

There are millions of galaxies in our Universe. How do we organize them so that we can compare them to each other and learn new things?

Ode to Oxygen

Written by: Aleisha Johnson

Today, the air we breathe has lots of oxygen – over 20 percent! But that wasn’t always the case.

Alien Lava

Written by: Sean Peters

Volcanoes are found on other planets and moons across the solar system.  The lava they erupt provides information on how other planets and moons formed.

Where Are All the Aliens?

Written by: John Malloy

If humans discovered aliens, what would they look like? And where would we find them? 

Thoughts on Apollo 11

Listen to various ASU scientists discuss their feelings on and importance of the Apollo 11 mission and moon landing.

Space Exploration at ASU

Learn more about the past and future of lunar and deep-space exploration happening at Arizona State University.

Lindy Elkins-Tanton: Journey to a Metal World

Watch Lindy Elkins-Tanton discuss the potential exploration of the asteroid Psyche.

Christy Till: Unearthing the Secrets of Magma

Watch Christy Till's talk about magma and being a geologist.

Fly Over Jupter

Take a trip around the surface of Jupiter with NASA's Juno spacecraft.
The Hope Diamond, one of the largest blue diamonds ever found
How Are Diamonds Made?

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Ask An Earth and
Space Scientist

By volunteering, or simply sending us feedback on the site. Scientists, teachers, writers, illustrators, and translators are all important to the program. If you are interested in helping with the website we have a volunteers page to get the process started.
