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Earth's atmosphere

Written by: Aleisha Johnson

Today, the air we breathe has lots of oxygen – over 20 percent! But that wasn’t always the case.

Rough and Smooth Lava

Written by: Gavin Tolometti

The surface of lava can appear smooth, rough, jagged, and sometimes like a pile of construction rubble. What are the stories behind these surface features and how did they form?

Earthrise seen from the moon

Learn more about the past and future of lunar and deep-space exploration happening at Arizona State University.

Astroids vs meteors vs meteorites
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Buzz Aldrin on the moon

Listen to various ASU scientists discuss their feelings on and importance of the Apollo 11 mission and moon landing.

Radio satellite cartoon

Written by: John Malloy

If humans discovered aliens, what would they look like? And where would we find them? 


How Far Have We Gone into Space?
Answer »

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